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Radiation Safety Review for Technologists
Course Overview

This is an educational activity delivered in a self-paced online format and is meant to increase learners’ knowledge and understanding of the physics of radiation, radiation protection and safety culture, and regulatory responsibilities inherent in the practice of nuclear medicine. It is intended for nuclear medicine/nuclear cardiology technologists needing CE to meet state licensure and/or certification maintenance requirements, and while not meant to serve as a comprehensive board review, the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) has recognized the course as appropriate for technologists preparing for examinations that require general knowledge of radiation and radiation safety, or in the areas of nuclear cardiology and cardiac PET.  This activity may also be relevant to other practitioners in the field.

The activity is comprised of content drawn from the ASNC/SNMMI 80 Hour Radionuclide Authorized User Training course, with lectures and quiz questions to engage learners and assess comprehension.

Target Audience
This activity is intended as CE for nuclear cardiology and nuclear medicine technologists. The course may also be relevant to cardiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, physicists, radiation safety officers or others who wish to review or expand their knowledge and understanding of the physics of radiation, radiation protection and safety culture, and regulatory respoonsibilities.
Learner Objectives

After participating in this activity, learners should be able to achieve the following: 

  •  Demonstrate understanding of radiation, radiation safety and the training and regulatory requirements in the areas of nuclear cardiology and cardiac PET
  •  Demonstrate comprehension of requirements necessary to support responsibilities inherent to the role of technologist 
  •  Recognize the broad knowledge base necessary to establish a culture of safety and the requirements of quality nuclear imaging for patient benefit

Radiation Forms, Interactions with Matter and Units of Measurement
  •  Define radiation, radioactivity and the units of measurement used in nuclear medicine
  •  Understand the essentials of nuclear decay and energy, activity administered and dose exposures
  •  Describe differences between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, their interactions with, and effects on, matter

Radiation Protection and Safe Radioisotope Handling 
  •  Demonstrate knowledge of instruments, devices and best practices working with, and in the provision of, cardiovascular nuclear medicine
  •  Describe principles of radiation protection and be able to translate principles into everyday lab safety for the general public, occupational worker, and patient

Radiation Biology
  •  Identify the principal biologic effects of ionizing radiation, knowns and unknowns
  •  Understand basic radiation biology tenets and theories in the areas of high dose and low dose radiation exposure
  •  Apply the principle of ALARA, and its rationale, to the patient care environment

Nuclear Medicine Mathematics and Statistics
  •  Understand basic calculations in radiation decay, dose administration, exposure, and radiation protection
  •  Demonstrate understanding of and ability to apply these principles in safe, quality patient care

Radiation Safety Regulatory Requirements
  •   Be able to describe the obligations of, and protections for, occupational workers contributing to the provision of nuclear medicine, particularly with respect to those of nuclear medicine technologists
  •  Demonstrate knowledge of the federal and state regulatory requirements and their application to the safe practice of nuclear cardiology/nuclear medicine

Overall Goal
This activity will provide technologists and other learners with a comprehensive review of radiation, radiation units, measurements, and interactions with matter, radiation physics, mathematics, and radiation safety protocols and regulations specific to nuclear cardiology and cardiac PET.
Statement of Need

The role of nuclear medicine technologists is critical for successful implementation and performance of a nuclear medicine laboratory. Radiation safety is the primary health concern of nuclear medicine technologists who work in nuclear medicine laboratories. (Bolus, 2008).  Nuclear medicine technologists need to understand and implement practices that keep patients, the public, and the technologist safe from potentially injurious effects of unnecessary radiation exposure.  With knowledge and use of the concepts of time, distance, and shielding, as well as ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable) principles, occupational workers are more likely to maintain a safe work environment for themselves and the patients they care for (McFarland, 2020). Technologists who work with or near ionizing radiation must mitigate possible short- and long-term effects of occupational radiation exposure. Through knowledge radiation and radiation protection practices, technologists can reduce unnecessary exposure that may result in risks to themselves and their patients, and in so doing realize the best possible image or outcome (Bradley, 2012). 

This educational activity provides the opportunity to learn and enhance understanding of the critical radiation knowledge, radiation protection and obligations of a safety culture that nuclear imaging technologists must adhere to to protect themselves, their patients and the public.

Accreditation and Continuing Education Credit
Technologists: The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology is a recognized provider of continuing education credit for technologists. ASNC’s Continuing Education (CE) credit is accepted by the NMTCB and ARRT. This on-demand activity has been approved for a maximum of 28 ARRT Category A credits for Technologists.
Continuing Education Term of Approval
Course Release Date: July 13, 2023
Course Expiration Date: July 12, 2025
Method of Participation

To receive a statement of credit or participation, learners must successfully complete the quizzes and evaluation questions after each module they complete. For each quiz question, the participant selects the single most appropriate answer. A score of 75% or higher is needed to pass; if less than 75% of the questions were correct, the participant will be notified and may resubmit the quiz. All content in each selected module, including a brief module-specific evaluation, must be completed to claim CE credit (no CME credit available). An overall course evaluation must be completed prior to claiming final credit. Learners should claim credit only for content completed.

Estimated time of completion for each module is 30 minutes -1 hour. The activity includes approximately 28 hours total. 

Acknowledgement of Commercial Support
This educational activity does not have commercial support.
Availability: On-Demand
Access expires on Jul 12, 2025
Cost: Physician & Scientist: $299.00
International Emerging Markets: $199.00
International Physician & Scientist: $259.00
Trainee: $199.00
Non-Physician (Member): $199.00
Physician (Non-Member): $399.00
Non-Physician (Non-Member): $299.00
Credit Offered:
28 CE Credits
28 COP Credits
Contains: This activity has 5 sections comprising 44 modules
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