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80 Hour Radionuclide Authorized User Training Course
Course Overview
This is an educational activity in an online format. The course consists of 80 hours of lectures with accompanying slide presentations and quiz questions to engage learners and to assess learner comprehension of content. It is intended for physicians who wish to meet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 35.290 Training and equivalent Agreement State regulation in order to become an Authorized User under 10 CFR 35.200 uses (Imaging and Localization Studies).

The course includes quiz questions after each video chapter. Questions must be answered correctly to move to the next chapter. A score of 80% correct on the post lecture questions is required to move to the next module. Participants may go back to review presentation content and re-answer incorrect questions to meet the required passing score.

This course meets the classroom requirement of 10 CFR 35.290 and does not obviate the need for trainees to have hands-on training in simultaneous clinical work experience in their local nuclear laboratory in the required specified areas and attested to by their Authorized User preceptor.

Individuals who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion with breakdown of the 80 Hours by section. No CME credit is provided for this course.
Target Audience
This activity is targeted to cardiologists and nuclear medicine physicians who wish to complete the 80 hours of classroom training required by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to complete 10 CFR 35.290 training and Agreement State equivalents in basic radionuclide handling techniques applicable to the medical use of unsealed byproduct material for imaging and localization studies in order to become an Authorized User under U.S. NRC 10 CFR 35.200 Uses and Agreement State equivalents.
Learner Objectives
After participating in this activity, learners should be able to achieve the following: 

Course Overall
  •  Define Authorized User and its training requirements and embrace the responsibilities inherent to the role
  •  Recognize the broad knowledge base necessary to establish a safety culture and quality nuclear imaging for patient benefit and be able to apply the knowledge base to effectively and safely diagnose and risk stratify patients in Imaging and Localization

Radiation Protection and Safe Radioisotope Handling 
  •  Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic science of ionizing radiation and nuclear decay and energy, activity administered, dose exposures
  •  Define the regulatory 10 CFR requirements for a nuclear medicine lab
  •  Describe principles of radiation protection and be able to translate principles into everyday lab safety for the general public, occupational worker, and patient

Radiation Physics and Instrumentation
  •  Demonstrate understanding of the physics and instrumentation principles of quality nuclear imaging acquisition and protocoling that most benefit patients
  •  Distinguish SPECT versus PET instrumentation / acquisitions and the variety of equipment in the marketplace
  •  Understand and apply knowledge to mitigate imaging artifacts

Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceuticals
  •  Explain nuclear medicine generators and radiopharmaceutical kit preparation and mandated key quality control measures
  •  Summarize Hot Lab activities and dosing and administration of radiopharmaceuticals by best practices
  •  Compare and contrast different nuclear cardiology radiopharmaceuticals and distinguish their physical and clinical characteristics

Radiation Biology
  •  Formulate an understanding of the biologic effects of ionizing radiation, the knowns and unknowns
  •  Assess radiation biology tenets and theories in the realm of high dose and low dose radiation exposure
  •  Apply the principle of ALARA, and its rationale, to the patient care environment

Nuclear Medicine Mathematics and Statistics
  •  Understand basic calculations in radiation decay, dose administration, exposure, and radiation protection
  •  Demonstrate understanding of and apply these principles in safe, quality patient care
Overall Goal
This activity will provide learners with the hours and knowledge to meet the didactic requirements under the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements for training in 10 CFR 35.290 and Agreement State equivalents in order to become an Authorized User in Imaging and Localization Studies.
Statement of Need
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulates the uses of radionuclides in medicine to provide for the radiation safety of workers and the public. Training on the use of radioisotopes is required to mitigate radiation exposure from the medical use of byproduct material. The NRC 10 CFR 35.290 training and equivalent Agreement State regulation must be satisfied in order for a physician to become an Authorized User under 10 CFR 35.200 uses (Imaging and Localization Studies).

This course has been developed by physician Authorized Users, radiology and nuclear medicine physicists, radiopharmacists, nuclear medicine technologists and other experts to meet the didactic requirements of NRC 10 CFR 35. 290 training.
Continuing Education Term of Approval
Release Date: April 5, 2022
Expiration Date: This content of this course will be reviewed on a rolling basis and updated as appropriate.

Learners must claim their Certificate of Completion within two weeks of completing the course. Learners will have access to this course for two years from the date of purchase / enrollment.
Acknowledgement of Commercial Support
This educational activity does not have commercial support.
Medium and Software Requirements

Windows Requirements:
Operating system: Windows 10+
Browser: Chrome v90.0+, Firefox v84.0+, Edge v90.0+
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection

Macintosh Requirements:
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.8+
Browser: Mozilla Firefox v84.0+, Safari 14+, Chrome v90.0+
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection

Availability: On-Demand
Access expires 730 days after purchase

Trainee: $400
U.S. and International Member* Physician: $550
Non-Member Physician: $700

This course is intended for physicians who wish to meet NRC 35.290 and Agreement State equivalent training requirements. 

Credit Offered:
80 COP Credits
Contains: 93 Modules comprising 80 Hours of Content
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